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belgium etiketine sahip yayınlar gösteriliyor

Living the life behind Covid-19

Hello everyone, Today is 1 July and we started to work again a week ago fully, so I wanted to share how was it until this time. In my previous post as I said; 1 week later after I came here, lockdown started. From that moment I resisted with the sitution. First weeks I was okey, I had just came to new country, meet some new people and exploring around, so lockdown didn't effect me so much in March. But during the time, I sometimes needed motivation and difference in life, and there were nobody to make this. We are foreign, had no close friends and family member during this disease. Thinking about them, feeling lonely sometimes, couldn't see new places, not able to meet new people, not able to do some work or project so much etc. was really hard sometimes. So I always motivated myself and tried to give positive energy for myself and who I talked people both from Turkey and here. We were small family here from April with four of us. We all have different life experinces, expectat

Doğadaki Bitkiler / Plants in Nature

Merhaba, Karantina günleri bahara denk gelince, kendime yeni bir iş edindim: Bitki tanımlama uzmanı :D Şanslıyım ki bu karantina günlerinde yaşadığım yer bir kamp alanı, doğanın içinde huzur ve ilham verici. Günlerimi nasıl verimli kullanabilirim diye düşünürken, etrafta gördüğüm bitkileri araştırmaya karar verdim. Bu proje hem benim için hem de kurumum için faydalı olacaktı. Etrafta harika çiçekler var, doğanın içinde kendiliğinden yetişmiş vahşi çiçekler ve ağaçlar diyebiliriz. Öncesinde hiç bir bilgim yokken şu anda bu çiçekleri tanıyor olmak çok güzel. Bu yazımda da çalışmamın bir kısmını sizlerle paylaşıcam. Araştırmamı İngilizce yaptığım için bitki isimlerini çevirmedim ama daha fazla bilgiye ulaşmak isterseniz her biri için Wikipedia linki koydum, oradan İngilizce veya diğer dillere ulaşabilirsiniz. Bitkilerin isimlerini ise 'PictureThis'  uygulamasıyla buldum. Fotoğrafların yerleşiminde sorunlar oldu, çözünce düzelticem :) Sevgiler :) Hello, When days

First Week in Belgium, de Hoge Rielen

Hello everyone, Ik ben Meltem. I am from İstanbul, Turkey. I came on 6th March and after arrived in Brussel Airport, I started to learn the life in Belgium. I took my train ticket and started to wait in peron. When the train came, guess what happened? I miss it :D Suddenly everybody started to run, and take the train in hurry, during this time I was trying to understand what is  happening, because the train number was also different, so I thought that it was not mine but actually it was mine :) so I asked for help in train station who is NMBS staff, and he helped me and showed which train can I take, thanks to him a lot. In this experince I saw the Belgian people are so helpful and friendly. After arrived in DHR, I feel the peace in my heart. Here is so peaceful, beautiful and I said to myself , thanks God I am in this project and place. A warm coffee from my window My second day started with bike. I even couldn't sit the bike, then they changed it with smallar one